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In my view, my purpose as psychosocial counselor consists in supporting you in the process of defining and preparing your very own individual path of dealing with the current challenges of your personal situation, and in supporting your personal growth. The procedures I use to guide this process are mostly inspired by the research done in Gestalt-Psychology (for example, Fritz Perls) and it’s core value of “Awareness in the Here and Now”.

My attidude in counseling is primarily one of authentic, intense and benevolent contact with my clients. I can be quite provocative and direct sometimes, but in any case remain emphatic and appreciative of the way you bring your very own self into our encounter. Cognitive realizations and structures are then joined with emotional experiences in experimenting with new perspectives.

I offer you space for true and deep contact with yourself and your desires, heighten your awareness for the things that matter right now, and create a secure environment to confidently confront what blocks your success. Together we will enable a playful and creative re-experiencing of your own potency, and move the view towards solutions instead of problems.

I want to draw from the flowing Here, Now and How. To truly breath, truly sit, truly walk this earth, truly speak, truly listen, truly scream, truly savor and truly be enraged: To fully come into this world – Bruno-Paul De Roeck.

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